
Veneers are a minimally-invasive procedure to restore the quality and beauty of your smile. They’re an ideal option to fix chipped, worn, or broken teeth. At Sunshine Dental in Houston, Texas, Dr. Hung T. Chau can assess the condition of your teeth and prepare custom-fitted veneers. Call or book an appointment online today to begin the process.

Veneers Q & A

What are veneers?

Veneers are thin shells Dr. Chau bonds to the surface of your tooth. They’re usually made from porcelain or composite materials.

When are veneers recommended?

Veneers are recommended for teeth that are chipped, worn down, or irregularly shaped. They repair discolored or misshapen teeth and fix the gaps in your smile. Veneers are more than a cosmetic treatment; they enforce the strength of your teeth, too. Veneers also may be an effective option compared to dental crowns. Veneers are a less invasive procedure and require less shaping than crowns.

Is the veneer procedure painful?

The procedure usually is not painful. Dr. Chau may provide a local anesthetic to numb your tooth and gums. Anesthesia can help when Dr. Chau removes a small amount of enamel from the selected tooth, which is necessary to bond the veneer.

What is the procedure for getting veneers?

Dr. Chau consults with you to ensure your teeth are in the proper condition for veneers. An impression of your teeth is taken for the veneers to be custom-made to fit your mouth. He may also take X-rays. When the veneers are ready, Dr. Chau checks to ensure they fit and match the color of your teeth. Then he removes a small amount of enamel from your tooth to fix the veneer in place. The removal of enamel allows for the veneer to fit into your mouth properly. Afterward, he cleans and polishes your teeth to permanently fix the veneer in place.

How long do veneers last?

Porcelain veneers can last 10-15 years when fitted correctly to your teeth. Composite veneers last between 5-7 years. The timeframe can be affected by the level of oral care. Veneers are made of ultra-thin shells and are prone to crack, chip, or loosen over time. Dr. Chau may advise against eating specific foods or suggest you wear a mouthguard at night to prevent this degeneration process.

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for veneers?

Veneers aren’t always the best treatment plan for chipped, worn, or broken teeth depending on the amount of enamel you have on your teeth. If you have decay or gum disease, veneers won’t be an effective treatment option for you. Dr. Chau can provide a thorough examination of your teeth to determine whether you’re an ideal candidate for veneers.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm



  • "I have always had a fear of dentist. I went in for an abscess, and was terrified. Dr. Chau took great care of me an reassured me several times everything would be ok! He was fast and painless, and I have now found a permanent dentist I’m not afraid of!"
    Chakoya J.
  • "Thanks to the staff at Sunshine for fantastic service every time. One of the most important things is that I have never felt I'm being targeted for an up sell on treatment or a service I don't actually need. This is not the case with most other dentists I have visited. Thanks!"
    Lennie A.
  • "I've been a patient at Sunshine dental for 10 years now. Dr. Chau and his staff have always been very professional and give the best care. Before finding Sunshine dental I tried several dentists and by far Dr. Chau's skill set has proven to be superior to all the other dentists that I was a patient of. This office is awesome."
    Lennier R.