Do You Have A Cavity?

Sometimes cavities are hard to avoid. Our team at Sunshine Dental wants you to know you aren’t alone when it comes to getting cavities. They can appear in both children and adults, and in order to avoid the pain and hassle, you need to understand how they form and what to do to prevent them from developing in the first place.

Cavities form when bacteria, acids, or sugars build up and form plaque on your teeth, which can destroy your enamel. When you don’t brush and floss properly, the build-up can cause cavities to form. In essence, a cavity is a decayed part of your tooth that cannot be repaired by your body’s immune system. This is why a dentist will need to treat your cavity with a filling. If it grows for too long and manages to infect the root of your tooth, a root canal may be the only solution.

Cavities are often symptom-free; you might not experience any pain at first, other than the occasional irritation when you drink a hot or cold beverage. Other signs of possible cavities include persistent bad breath, pus or discharge around a tooth, black or brown discoloration, small pits or holes in a tooth, and perhaps a sticky feeling when you bite down. It’s crucial to treat cavities sooner rather than later if you wish to avoid excessive pain and the necessity of a root canal.

You can avoid cavities by keeping up with good oral hygiene, eating a well-balanced diet, and scheduling regular cleanings with the doctor. They can still occur at any time, no matter what age you are, so make sure to brush, floss, and rinse every day. If you notice any of the above symptoms, please contact our Houston, Texas office and schedule an appointment.

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Hours of Operation




8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



  • "I have always had a fear of dentist. I went in for an abscess, and was terrified. Dr. Chau took great care of me an reassured me several times everything would be ok! He was fast and painless, and I have now found a permanent dentist I’m not afraid of!"
    Chakoya J.
  • "Thanks to the staff at Sunshine for fantastic service every time. One of the most important things is that I have never felt I'm being targeted for an up sell on treatment or a service I don't actually need. This is not the case with most other dentists I have visited. Thanks!"
    Lennie A.
  • "I've been a patient at Sunshine dental for 10 years now. Dr. Chau and his staff have always been very professional and give the best care. Before finding Sunshine dental I tried several dentists and by far Dr. Chau's skill set has proven to be superior to all the other dentists that I was a patient of. This office is awesome."
    Lennier R.